Monday, April 4, 2016

You drive like a child
You cant even eat mild
Your girl friend looks wild
Just look at her face
Oh wait!Then it'll feel like you got mased

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Woman In White

Once in a small town town called Leadville,there was a family of four.There was the mom named Chrissy,dad was Rob and their two kids. Justin was the oldest. He was 18 before everything happened.Then there was the sassy sister.Her name was Lilly. She was only 12 when it happened.
Justin was getting to the age where he needed to get a job and settle down in his own house.So on his eighteenth birthday his parents got him a really nice batchelor pad in Georgetown.Justin was so happy, he insisted he move in that week. He and his mom jumped right to packing the next day.It only took them that day to pack his stuff.Justin stayed up all night sorting all his junk into bins and boxs until his mom had to tell him to get some rest. “Justin, is that you?? You need to get some shut eye for the drive tomorrow morning.” Justin was so tired he took his mom’s advice and got some rest.
Justin and Chrissy woke up at the crack of dawn so that they could pack his truck full of his belongings so that he wouldn’t have to take two trips.When they finished, the family said their goodbyes and Justin got on the road.
When Justin arrived at his new bachelor pad,he first started to bring everything in the house and put things where they needed to be. But once he got the last boxes out of his truck, he realized that there was something important missing: his TV. Everyone knew Justin couldn’t live a day without his TV. It was already 9:00 P.M. when he realized it. So he called his mom to get it ready for him. Ring ring!! Ring ring!! “Hello??”said Chrissy. “Hey, it’s Justin. I forgot my TV of all things. Can you get it ready for me to pick up, please?”Justin replied. “Ugh,sure but drive safe.”
Justin was on his way to go get his tv when he realized his cherry red pickup truck was running low on fuel.Justin pulled off at a gas station right before leaving town.He stepped into the gas station and bought a cold Redbull so he could stay up and paid for $40 in gas. Justin then glanced out the foggy gas station window and saw a woman in all white with shaggy black hair sitting in the back seat of his truck.He freaked out and dropped all of his stuff and ran outside.But when he got to his pickup the woman was gone. He then started to rush while he was pumping his gas and when he finished he frantically pulled back on the the highway. Justin was very frightened. He kept trying to tell himself he was seeing thing because he was tired but what he soon realized was that he wasnt.
Justin was trying the focus on the side of the road for like 2 miles when, BAM!! When he was focusing on the side of the road he happen to hit the creepy woman in white dead center in the middle of the jagged road. He woke up maybe 20 minutes after the crash but only for a brief second.All justin remembered was the torn up woman eating his arms off while he watch.
About half a week later,Justin finally woke up.The doctors and his parents said he was out the whole time from shock.when he woke up,he was still in shock and unable to speak.Chrissy decided that was probably time he went home to recover.But when his family brought him home,they had to leave right away to pick up takeout food.When they left, justin leaned over to watch them leave out of there driveway when he seen the WOMAN IN WHITE!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016